
The evil in the heart of the good: Unfolding the role of remittances in the escalating trade deficit figures of the MENA region.

The MENA region is ranked first in terms of remittance receipts (3.83% of GDP) worldwide, it has also the highest non-oil trade deficit among other developing regions (World Bank, 2018). This study uses panel data from 11 Labor-abundant MENA countries (main destination of remittance receipts) to examine the trade balance effect of remittances. We postulate […]

The evil in the heart of the good: Unfolding the role of remittances in the escalating trade deficit figures of the MENA region. Read More »

Urban slums and their implications for national fertility rate

With the expected increase in world population by one billion people in just over a decade, governments in less developed countries are faced with the challenge of having to accommodate the majority of this future population growth. This is of concern since many of these countries currently face various social, economic and infrastructural challenges that

Urban slums and their implications for national fertility rate Read More »