التوازن العام القابل للحساب: CGE: النموذج

نماذج التوازن العام القابلة للحساب تُستخدم في الاقتصاد لتحليل تأثيرات التغييرات في السياسات والصدمات على الاقتصاد. تُعتبر هذه النماذج شاملة لأنها تنظر إلى الاقتصاد كنظام مترابط من القطاعات والأسواق. تُمكِّن هذه النماذج من فهم التأثيرات الشاملة لتغيرات في أي جزء من الاقتصاد على بقية القطاعات والاقتصاد بشكل عام. المفاهيم والافتراضات الأساسية لنماذج التوازن العام عندما […]

التوازن العام القابل للحساب: CGE: النموذج Read More »

Performing a parallel pre-trend test in universal absorbing treatments in R

Introduction In a recent paper from the Journal of Research, Innovation and Technologies published last year, there was a significant discussion (Riveros Gavilanes, 2023) about how control variables might be related to the fulfillment of parallel trends in event study (or dynamic differences-in-differences) of panel data. In this article, we will replicate such paper and

Performing a parallel pre-trend test in universal absorbing treatments in R Read More »

How to learn Macroeconomic CGE Modeling?

What is CGE Modeling? Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modeling is a type of economic modeling used to study the impacts of economic policies and shocks on the economy as a whole. The goal of CGE modeling is to provide a comprehensive and consistent representation of the interactions among different sectors and agents within an economy.

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Is Welfare affected more by inequality than economic growth?

Whether if welfare is affected by inequality or growth is one of the “hot” topics in economics. It is stated from economic theory that Welfare can be affected in two potential ways by these situations. A positive effect over Welfare from economic growth, and a negative effect of Welfare by increases in inequality. Some new

Is Welfare affected more by inequality than economic growth? Read More »

M&S Research hub announces for the “Economic Posting Contest”

M&S Research hub announces for the “Economic Posting Contest” Authors of the 2 winning posts will receive 100 USD and 50 USD respectively, besides public exposure of their blog/profiles and publicizing their work over wide academic and social networks. We invite students, researchers, public officials, junior and senior academicians to submit their work to John

M&S Research hub announces for the “Economic Posting Contest” Read More »