Public policy

التوازن العام القابل للحساب: CGE: النموذج

نماذج التوازن العام القابلة للحساب تُستخدم في الاقتصاد لتحليل تأثيرات التغييرات في السياسات والصدمات على الاقتصاد. تُعتبر هذه النماذج شاملة لأنها تنظر إلى الاقتصاد كنظام مترابط من القطاعات والأسواق. تُمكِّن هذه النماذج من فهم التأثيرات الشاملة لتغيرات في أي جزء من الاقتصاد على بقية القطاعات والاقتصاد بشكل عام. المفاهيم والافتراضات الأساسية لنماذج التوازن العام عندما […]

التوازن العام القابل للحساب: CGE: النموذج Read More »

The Covid19 Pandemic and Food (In) Security in Pakistan

Pakistan continues to face numerous natural and manmade disasters, including catastrophic floods, earthquakes, droughts, war, and conflicts. The catastrophic wars in 1948, 1965 and 1999, the drought in 2013-15 to floods of 2010 affected almost 20 million people. Likewise, from 2007 onwards, the war on terrorism killed 52,000 civilians and erupted large-scale migration of around

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Human Resource Development in Pakistan—an obsessive quest?

With over 209 million populations, human capital is an indispensable asset for Pakistan. Besides increasing population, the country is experiencing a youth bulge, with the number of individuals entering the labor market over the upcoming years expanding at a faster rate than the total population. Hence creating enough jobs for a growing population, improve the

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Demystifying De-globalization in Post-Covid World

“Society is never the same as the one that existed before the calamity. For good or ill, calamities are unquestionably the supreme disruptors and transformers of social organization and institutions.”(Pritim Sorokin) The Covid19 pandemic invaded the world like a silent dark shadow. Originating as pneumonia alike disease in the city of Wuhan in China on

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