Panel Data

Panel Data Nonlinear Simultaneous Equation Models with Two-Stage Least Squares using Stata

In this article, we will follow Woolridge (2002) procedure to estimate a set of equations with nonlinear functional forms for panel data using the two-stage least squares estimator. It has to be mentioned that this topic is quite uncommon and not used a lot in applied econometrics, this is due that instrumenting the nonlinear terms […]

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Wooldridge Serial Correlation Test for Panel Data using Stata.

In this article, we will follow Drukker (2003) procedure to derive the first-order serial correlation test proposed by Jeff Wooldridge (2002) for panel data. It has to be mentioned that this test is considered a robust test, since works with lesser assumptions on the behavior of the heterogeneous individual effects. We start with the linear

Wooldridge Serial Correlation Test for Panel Data using Stata. Read More »

Ramsey RESET Test on Panel Data using Stata

In regression analysis, we often check the assumptions of the econometrical model regressed, during this, one of the key assumptions is that the model has no omitted variables (and it’s correctly specified). In 1969, Ramsey (1969) developed an omitted variable test, which basically uses the powers of the predicted values of the dependent variable to

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